Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Here goes:

*Whats your husbands name? Thomas Carl Meiser
*How long have you guys been married? Just about 3 months ;)
* How long did you date? About 2 years
* How old is he? 21
* Who eats more sweets? I would have to say that he definatly does!
* Who said i love you first? TC did, i didnt say it back for a while
* Who is taller? TC
* Who is a better singer? I am pretty sure neither of us are very good! but we like to sing for fun. Especially T!
* Who is smarter? Depends on the subject. We both have lots to offer :)
* Who does laundry? I do for the most part. But he'll do a load here or there.
* Who pays the bills? We sit down and do them together. He is really good at doing the bills though.
* Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do
* Who mows the lawn? T
* Who cooks dinner? Me, he will everyonce in a while.
* Who drives? Depends on where we're going, and whos vehicle. If i have had a long stressful day, then i like to drive, cause sometimes his driving drives me nuts!
* Who is the first to say their wrong? Its pretty both sided.
* Who kissed who first? T kissed me.
* Who asked who out first? TC asked me and i couldnt have been more excited!
* Who wears the pants? Depends on the day ;)